Tuesday, May 29, 2012

As sick as a sick dog.

Well I'm miserable!
I'm sick.
I'm complaining about being miserable because I'm sick.

It's day one of my flu which usually means sore throat and being in denial that I'm getting sick. Tomorrow I'm lucky enough to be looking forward to rivers of gushing snot. (Too graphic? Sorry.... I'm descriptive when I'm miserable and sick...)

In about 5 days I should be better!! Fingers crossed for sooner!

The most annoying part of this? The fitness test!! Yesterday, when I was not miserable or sick, I did all of the fitness test apart from the run! That was today's job! But I couldn't run because I couldn't even walk without coughing and not breathing! Is that an excuse? Damn....

Anyway.. I need to sleep. I'm miserable and sick. What do I do for exercise when I'm sick? I feel lazy......

Wish me lucky dahlings!

Han xx

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